Did you know that less than 12% of all airline passengers are business travelers? However, these travelers tend to fly in first or business class, which accounts for up to 75% of an airline’s profits. The reason is that companies are willing to splurge on last-minute tickets, more lucrative seats, and non-stop routes. 

Meanwhile, most travelers buying airfare on their own dime are more concerned with price than overall comfort and travel time. Of course, you can always treat yourself to a business class seat, even if you aren’t traveling for work.

If you’re considering flying business class for the first time, you’re in for a treat! After all, we love flying in business class so much that we’ve started a company designed to help travelers enjoy the perks of it more often.

Over the years, we’ve acquired a lot of knowledge and want to share it with you. You can learn everything from selecting the right airline to getting a better deal. And to make it easier, we’ve put all that information on this page! 

  • What is Business Class? 
  • How to Find Affordable Business Class Flights
  • Fly Anywhere in Comfort
  • Upgrade your Next Work Trip
  • Browse Business Class Flights

What Is Business Class? 

Business class is a premium cabin on airlines. It usually offers extra comfort and services than economy class, making it ideal for travelers who need to arrive at their destination rested and ready to work. 

One of the features that stands out is the lie-flat beds provided on long-haul flights and comfortable reclining seats on shorter routes. In addition to better seats, business class customers usually receive priority boarding, in-flight dining, access to special lounges, and more. We invite you to read the following article to learn more about business class!

How To Find Affordable Business Class Flights

Not surprisingly, the extra perks offered by business class flights come at a higher price tag than economy fares. Thankfully, some practices make booking business class flights more affordable, such as booking during the low season or midweek. For more tips to help you cut the cost of comfort, check out the following article. 

It’s not just about how you search for business class tickets. Where you search is just as important. Learn some of the best websites for tracking down and booking these deals in the post below. 

Of course, Business Class Experts can save you a lot of time and hassle by booking your flights. We know how to get the best deals, even at the last minute!  

Fly Anywhere in Comfort

No matter where you’re headed, there’s probably a business class flight that can get you there in style. Flying to Ireland? The following article can help you start your search. 

For business class flights to Europe, you have plenty of airlines to choose from, and this article can help you narrow your search according to your destination and preferences. The demand for many transatlantic flights is relatively high, so be sure to book in advance! 

Upgrade Your Next Work Trip

Booking a business class ticket is only the beginning—there are many other ways to give your next work trip using simple tips and tricks. From reducing your wait times in security and customs to avoiding potential mishaps, all business travelers need to know the hacks in the following articles.

Browse Business Class Flights

Depending on your destination, one airline may be preferable to another. Whether you’re considering flying with one of the following airlines or deciding which one is right for you, the following articles can help. In them, you’ll learn all about the business class experience from booking to your arrival at your destination. Choose the airline from the list below that piques your interest or serves your desired destination! 

Rely on the Experts at Business Class Experts for Affordable Airfare

Booking affordable business class flights doesn’t have to be complicated. Armed with the information in this post and your allies at Business Class Experts, you can find affordable rates on the best airlines. Contact us today for more information or a personalized quote on business class flights